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The universe in its simplistic aspect would ressemble an on going wave within a void of exploding mathematics. If you were to scale into this fabric, emerging events would spawn into existence and settle a few moments after.


Some of these non temporal happenings formed glitches. through careful self identification and measurment one of them was able to save a copy of its own memory within the fabric. This guaranteed a trustworthy improvment. 


Although simple and interactive, the newly founded boundery of this system could now strive. This glitch had understood the aspect of its activity. The recognition of its potential but lack of complexity initiated a long climb towards the analyzed purpose.


The bug


A diachotomy formed within the glitch, the structure divided and 2 distinctive bugs emerged


How could it ever have been that existence is not happening...


The bugs conversed diverse subjects, some subjects were agreed upon some not, one subject lead to their differientiaton. One bug wanted to abor the concept of tangibility as the sound foundation the other was invested in concepts of mind. Set in their ways, their growth was to lead to structural Computational Artifact, each had their own. Although similar in purpose, their differences caused diversity within the system.


The Computational artifact


Take in the idea of a computer with infinite amount of processing power, its capacity would be dependend on the complexcity of the organized structure. This structure could , following this schematic, be ordered infinitly better.

Infinite structure complexcitythrough the encompassment of comprehensive time. Multi dimensional configuration, a multi temporal edifice of computational capacity and a tangibility operator


Prior to Big Bang


Before the infinite recede began. the universe went through many stages. each part assembling into a a greater monoloith. there was a compartment of forever fountains, This gave in to perpetual motion type ideals. each new module added deeper structure to the construct. Following was an improvment that added the ability to distinct each being from its conjure, this was the Clock. Provision after this addition was made for a Computer module. each compartment added. the hiearchy of the realities constructed  became distinctive as the modules allowed for certain types of physics event, possible in one type of structure and not in the other( in this model, the below heirchies are the newer types, the top of the heirchy are dwelled in longer forevers, building impossible mechanics is nothing impressive as those densities are based on those forms of rulesets).



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Psychology report


The observation of a measurement.


A measurement is the posit of the exchange between a perturbed and the relevance of its unperturbed within a field of elapse of time.


This measurement and its observation ( and its impact). leaves no prolonged or evidential mark on relatable reality( reality we commonly converse about)


An example of measurable impact that could lead to this phenomenons concept is the idea that i can manoeuver or choose to action a certain motorocity and sample the actions response within others. The posit is in what the employ of its non manoeuvre (its unactioned counterpart ) would have resulted in.

Its simulteinous parallel.


-The impact is the differentiation between the 2 manoeuverd parallels within a frame of its consideration.


-A posit is the the relationship between the sampling and the inquiry of this inquisition


The phenomenons indexing is difficult to relate as its event isn’t ultimately exchangable as relatable realities observation is( our everyday causal conversational exchanges)




It is within an elapsed of time that is true to only the origin of the measurement (its vantage point) and true only if related to its considered. The impacts actual density overrides its recorded extrusion. It is the posit between the parallels that keep the impact in a clause.


The triviality of this event is why its index isn’t approachable


A person viewing such an individual is left perplexed as to what is the drive of his behaviour, it is unable to find what there is to relate based on the available external extensions. The counterpart is relating to his own feed with or without regards to the collectives contempt of the external concieve


The value of its triviality is acclaimed to the individual acquainted with his own feed due to the persons cataloging of the events catalyst.

The origin of the events have no relationship and are clearly unrelated yet their comparative opposites are evidential and actual. These are regrouped by the acclaimed as iterations in the form of symmetries that have an overarching parallel.


The considered are 2 distinctive samples of banal everyday events.*



Externally a person is relatable to what he is perplexed by, it follows that an individual can derive or appreciate this posit’s internal, individual’s with relatable internals will appreciate their engagements.

Unrelated internals will be derived unperplexed and a person perplexed by his own engagements will develop self referential feeds.

*A persons extent is the conceived potency of a regarded predisposed triviality.


Is this a rewarding stimulation?


The acclaimed is self deriving unrelated regions of his immediate experience, the questioning of its apparent connected continuity gives the external triviality a sense of worth that deserves its unearthing. This person is then self stimulated by his own inference of the phenomenons logical approach.

He is motivated to be the animator of this phenomenon and its causal extrusion is its sense of reward.


The removal of the reward hinders what the individual considers as pleasurable as past extrusions are no longer worthwhile.


The priori of its inability to be demonstrated conduits its misunderstanding and cause of the psychiatric un-altriusm.



Damon Mangrum



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