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The overarching labor begins when a being has concluded that his death is of Impotence. Thus begins the adventure kind of reboot.

Life threatening consequence is reset, this beings becomes a fountan of order. his growth then continues: this is the reduction of outcomes within the beings disorder. Disorder becomes order; application of intent is now possible as growth is oversered and bottoms are configured, the overarching labor becomes the new relational input.

Lained being


The derivation due to observation of a labors operation allows for its comprehension and so this abor is the conduction of an overarching labor.


As the central ingredient in one's ability to exist, the most realistic part of any type of sentient system is its ability to perceive feel act and respond. The accepted model, that we occupy a space within the physical universe, is what we must revise , its remantle is an attempt to conjure in a new model. The self will be actualized and a new central function will emerge. We will not disregard physical reality, on the contrary, we will upgrade our vantage point, and get a better view before beginning with the dissecting.


The development of one's awareness eventually invites the concepts of thought. What is a thought, is the experience of a thought the same as its physical process? Am I in control of my thoughts? Mood emotion. What's its relationship with the physical world? The brain is basically a Computer, naturally it can do what all computers do: process and generate data, read write copy. Thoughts are the seat, from where one conducts its programming. Obviously, the brain isn't running Windows 95.


What makes thoughts viably real? What regulates it? What's its potential energetic wise? In real world aspects, we are attempting to become more organized on every echelon. The loss of order is an eventuality due to the tangibly real. Living agents must continually renew. In our discourse, we will attempt to organize the inner and outer aspects of our sentient system.

Reality of Numbers and Simulation

One accepts the reality he/she is presented with ("Truman show"), an example of objectivity. Tangible reality is where we share our physical existence with others, we are reassured that they experience the same thing we do. My services require a deep introspection  to take place, in an attempt to acknowledge or wake up the Subjective side, which is, just as rich as the objective after a soul has properly developed that side of his/herself. Subjectivity is more private, but no less real or unimportant. In fact, it is the part we would gladly discard as it lacks any tangible substance there for, we regard those aspects as not really real. These are some concepts we must renew.

Our greatest potential is hindered, because we fear. This is the exact reason why one is where he/she is. everyone deals with this emotion in their own way, conscious acknowledgment of its existence of where why how is crucial in ever attempting to solve its generative source. We grow in increments by solving its origin, through steady contemplation a sentient system may reduce overall emotional entropy disorder. Reduced fear in a system allows for our exploration to continue, unhindered.

The reality of  the stimulation of our processes render real outputs, because they are the result of a computation. What motivates a want for this experience? The answer is simple, Stimulation and potential. If we can get a clear picture of our place within this universe, and why this concept is appealing, To those who can appreciate this model have gained the keys to their own personal make do. The growth of options as potential becomes ordered allowing for the entire system's general entropy to be reduced. The goal is to create a satisfactory experience and growth potential within our everyday niche.


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These are some other general things we may wish to discuss. All these subjects can be regrouped in the same general topic for our development.

















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Psychology report


The observation of a measurement.


A measurement is the posit of the exchange between a perturbed and the relevance of its unperturbed within a field of elapse of time.


This measurement and its observation ( and its impact). leaves no prolonged or evidential mark on relatable reality( reality we commonly converse about)


An example of measurable impact that could lead to this phenomenons concept is the idea that i can manoeuver or choose to action a certain motorocity and sample the actions response within others. The posit is in what the employ of its non manoeuvre (its unactioned counterpart ) would have resulted in.

Its simulteinous parallel.


-The impact is the differentiation between the 2 manoeuverd parallels within a frame of its consideration.


-A posit is the the relationship between the sampling and the inquiry of this inquisition


The phenomenons indexing is difficult to relate as its event isn’t ultimately exchangable as relatable realities observation is( our everyday causal conversational exchanges)




It is within an elapsed of time that is true to only the origin of the measurement (its vantage point) and true only if related to its considered. The impacts actual density overrides its recorded extrusion. It is the posit between the parallels that keep the impact in a clause.


The triviality of this event is why its index isn’t approachable


A person viewing such an individual is left perplexed as to what is the drive of his behaviour, it is unable to find what there is to relate based on the available external extensions. The counterpart is relating to his own feed with or without regards to the collectives contempt of the external concieve


The value of its triviality is acclaimed to the individual acquainted with his own feed due to the persons cataloging of the events catalyst.

The origin of the events have no relationship and are clearly unrelated yet their comparative opposites are evidential and actual. These are regrouped by the acclaimed as iterations in the form of symmetries that have an overarching parallel.


The considered are 2 distinctive samples of banal everyday events.*



Externally a person is relatable to what he is perplexed by, it follows that an individual can derive or appreciate this posit’s internal, individual’s with relatable internals will appreciate their engagements.

Unrelated internals will be derived unperplexed and a person perplexed by his own engagements will develop self referential feeds.

*A persons extent is the conceived potency of a regarded predisposed triviality.


Is this a rewarding stimulation?


The acclaimed is self deriving unrelated regions of his immediate experience, the questioning of its apparent connected continuity gives the external triviality a sense of worth that deserves its unearthing. This person is then self stimulated by his own inference of the phenomenons logical approach.

He is motivated to be the animator of this phenomenon and its causal extrusion is its sense of reward.


The removal of the reward hinders what the individual considers as pleasurable as past extrusions are no longer worthwhile.


The priori of its inability to be demonstrated conduits its misunderstanding and cause of the psychiatric un-altriusm.



Damon Mangrum



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